PHOTOS - The B'z - page 05
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Security guards---they were EVERYWHERE. Oh well, I guess no "souvenirs" to bring home... My translator for the Yamaha clinics, Gina. Thanks Gina!

My good friend from Yamaha, Tsuji Masanori made me an EXACT replica of my new BEX bass. Amazing! He made one of the Attitude bass also. What a genius!

Close-up of mini BEX bass

We go to a restaurant. Japanese style: remove your shoes. OK. My size 13's don't fit in the locker! Ha! Hilarious. Fans outside "Rock Rock" bar in Osaka where the aftershow party took place. I'm SO HAPPY!

My bass pedals & controllers covered for rain. Or beer spillage. They built a little fort for my amp in case of rain. Or maybe to turn me down!

Hmmm... Can I get in here? It's all Greek to me.

A big DOMO ARIGATO to our 60,000 friends! Awesome

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